2012 m. gegužės 6 d., sekmadienis

ALL WEEK 25% OFF FOR ALL LIMITED EDITION AND VINTAGE PIECES. For info contact: cocobelerebelle@gmail.com first 10 lucky ones will get an invitation with special status for Hellerina Royaume fashion show.

Visą savaitę visiems limited edition ir vintage produktams 25 proc. off. Dėl detalios info rašykite: cocobellerebelle@gmail.com pirmieji 10 mylimųjų gaus kvietimus su specialiu statusu į nesveikąjį naujos kolekcijos HELLERINA ROYAUME pristatymą.

2012 m. gegužės 3 d., ketvirtadienis

Šios savaitės HOT PICK: Naujų limited edition CR produktų promo



Nauji limituoto leidimo žiedai 

      Hellerina`s Army Pink/Green heart magic ring

Žiedai yra išskirtiniai sukurti specialiai prieš išleidžiant pagrindinę 2012 VASAROS kolekciją "Hellerina Royaume". Iš viso jų išleista tik keletas vienetų. Žiedai atspindi dvejas charakteristikas: švelnią ir laukinę bei pabrėžia asmenybės unikalumą ir tvirtumą. Dydis reguliuojamas. Pasteliniai kristalai yra MAGIJA. Nuostabiame įpakavime rasite išsamų asmeninį idėjos aprašymą bei dovanų.

Išskirtinių aksesuarų galite įsigyti čia 

arba užsisakyti emailu: cocobellerebelle@gmail.com

 *Išskirtinio papuošalo kaina Lietuvoje 75 LTL

*Siuntimas Lietuvoje nemokamas

2012 m. gegužės 1 d., antradienis

Coco Rebelle Couture: GALDIGGA sale xx

I`ve decided to make waiting till Hellerina Royaume a bit easier. So on May 4 till May 11 you can get amazing Coco Rebelle Couture limited edition GALDIGGA chains, crosses and wicked pastel magic rings with 20% OFF. Stay tuned for exclusive sale code xx
You can get everything HERE

2012 m. balandžio 26 d., ketvirtadienis

2012 m. kovo 15 d., ketvirtadienis

Check out personal Miss Neeshabeth`s blog

Exclusive Coco Rebelle Couture details and fashion posts daily!

Bubble gurl

I`m having "that silly moment", feels kinda strange. Head overloaded with a bunch of strange ideas and thoughts. Room is messed up and actually I don`t know how to describe this mood. Today I mixed my hair pink x a bit black. Face: totally chanel. Have some crazy DIY ideas for the spring season which I`m gonna share with you guys. Soon! xx

P.S. Coco Rebelle Hellerina Royaume Runway show will be two weeks later than we planned. For more info check out our blog xo

2012 m. vasario 8 d., trečiadienis

Coco Rebelle, Elizabeth Bathory, Wicca and Fashion issues.

Is this really happening? Hell yeah. So I`m getting ready for this spring second collection release. This one will be insanely different from the previous "Bonnie Tale" Collection. Mostly Hellerina and Elizabeth Bathory inspired masterpiece coming out this April.  A lot of spiritual things and soul evolution details. Big glorious dresses, feathers, futuristic couple clothes, spikes, chains, latex, baroque, dark ages, madhouse and finally... GLORY! 
Elizabeth Bathory
Sounds sick? Well you must see "The Countess" movie. So inteligent and so true. The first chapter from Hellerina Royaume philosophycal guide book I wrote: "Here`s the ugly truth: normality has led you to the insanity." And this is exatly how it happened. Hurtful things surrounding rich soul, at the end exhaust the physical body. Impulse dysfunction messes the soul and you stuck in the state of mind where you feel like a suffering animal inside the golden cage. But if you are the queen, spirit always fighting for your freedom. Disrespectful behaviour have its price my dears and insanity have its revenge. 
Revenge and rebirth 
Revenge is sweet, even if previous YOU full of bad things died after the pressure. Your Queenish spirit doing everything for you, finally you wake up in the middle of cold woods, you recognize that your spirit is free, but your hands still tied up, don`t worry. Your soul will call your people. You have a very strong connection between you and your soul sisters and brothers. They know about Queen. 
And here comes the motorcycle and here comes the dresses. 
Your spirit is far more stronger than you think. All of them need you. And now they bring you your story. Empire and Church are now circle. Revenge will be mild and gentle. 
Collection will give you every single piece of your spiritual state: from madhouse to Glory. Big glorious dresses, feathers, futuristic couple clothes, spikes, chains, latex, baroque, dark ages, madhouse and finally... GLORY! 
Whole Runway show will be insane and very theatrical. Famous European people will be involved in this amazing project. Some of them will shock you. Especially one final dress model. I have a vision for her to be black Marie Antoinette. Hot exclusive details, heute and fancy high clothing will left your eyes tied up to it.
Video Editorial for Coco Rebelle Couture Hellerina Royaume 2012 will be filmed in old original famous Palace with amazing old ages interior design. Here`s some exclusive pics of it: 
Coco Rebelle, Elizabeth Bathory, Wicca and Fashion issues. photo 1

Coco Rebelle, Elizabeth Bathory, Wicca and Fashion issues. photo 2

Dresses more like Victorian Punk. OG by Miss Neeshabeth. 

                 Basically it`s all about spiritual strenght.  Fight and love making with yourself to conquer                                                                       the world. Soon freedom will born.
                                                                                       xo lovers.

2012 m. vasario 2 d., ketvirtadienis

Gyva atranka į Coco Rebelle Couture pristatymą jau rytoj!

Gyva modelių ir aktorių atranka pagal sąrašus į Coco Rebelle Couture Hellerina Royaume kolekcijos pristatymą, fotosesiją ir filmavimą vyks Vilniuje, prekybos centre "BIG" Ukmergės g. 369, Vasario 3 dieną nuo 16 h antrame aukšte prie "Čili Kinija" restorano. Kaip atvykti žiūrėkite čia: http://www.big-vilnius.lt/

2012 m. sausio 9 d., pirmadienis

Coco Rebelle Couture Hellerina Royaume modelių ir aktorių atrankų registracija

Į gyvas atrankas Coco Rebelle Couture Hellerina Royaume Catwalk`ui, fotosesijai ir editorial`ui registruotis cocobellerebelle@gmail.com iki sausio 23 dienos.

Registracijos anketos forma:

1. Vardas
2. Amžius
3. Miestas
4. Ūgis
5. Nuotraukos
6. Pasaulėžiūra/filosofija
7. Ar dvasiškai jauti, kad esi vienas mūsų?
8. Esi pasirengęs save atskleisti?