2011 m. rugsėjo 4 d., sekmadienis

Wolframa Basteta Cage Closed Cleopatra Official release

September opens the Cage

So as many of you guys know, this month is always a magic in life of Dark pop/ Rock artist Wolframa Basteta. After 2 years of dark break, she`s finally back and ready to share W.B.`s life details with you. "We have a book of new songs which will be realeased as reincarnation set of Wolframa Basteta." - says Neeshabeth. Set is called "Cage Closed Cleopatra" just like the main song. "Cage Closed Cleopatra" - Song about girl who is pretty strong and glorious but she is stuck in a men`s trap and that men is destroying her. Actually the song have deeper meaning, but it`s expressed in other plot. Men actually is killing girl`s personalities manipulating her, but the girl understands this too late. She release herself the hard way, this way is the reason of the Cage. Song gives you secrets, which will be exposed by you in the visual art and short movie/music video.

Miss Murder

Music video for Cage Closed Cleopatra contains some brutality spices. He kills it, it kills her... It`s like a insane triangle with some fine whiskey and guns. "Song is like a mystery of abandoned house with bloody sheets: first it can give you wrong impression of whole situation, but at the end your personal edge of reflection brings you to the right coffin." -says N. Everything inside the video spirit express strong emotions, psychological edges etc. Miss Neeshabeth Bathory (Wolframa Basteta) is working on a video scenario herself: "We have a great team, a great artists and a great book of life to make things work. Finally it will be something between pornography and poetry."- says Neeshabeth.

Photoshoot for the Cage Closed Cleopatra cover

Upcoming photoshoot will be kinda unusual for Wolframa Basteta. It will be a little more less related to Oldschool Hellerina and little bit more related to new start and inside. "It will be kinda dark, open and naked." - says N. As the whole Cage Closed Cleopatra is pretty much open and naked, we can expect the same from the pictures, but only Beth knows in which way.

Official CCC audio release

As we said: It`s september - magic happens right now! We can simply guess which day of this month is chosen... It`s 29, Neeshabeth`s B-day!!! To shake away sick energy of 2 years in the dark, Wolframa Basteta will celebrate fresh start in high things. This year will be so damn surprising for all of us, we can hardly imagine it. So stay tuned for the latest news about CCC, The Needle, music videos of W.B.

Diaries of Wolframa Basteta

Soon you will see everything yourself! Wolframa Basteta making video diaries where you will see whole work and exclusive things: details, music, real life etc. You will find it on:




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